Thursday 21 January 2010

Day 9 - What the bleep is this drivel?

Watched "What the bleep do we know?" with Sylvia. What a bizarre collage of physics, psychology, biology and psychobabble. We were pausing the movie every 5 minutes to discuss it, and sometimes just to laugh. The speakers talk as though the psychobabble follows naturally from the physical processes - "quantum mechanics is all about the observer... but most people lose focus for 6 seconds in every minute - so they're not being very good observers." "there is more latent energy contained in the vacuum inside a single atom, than in all the mass of all the universe. So just think, if your consciousness can harness even a fraction of that energy..."

I'd say more, but it's late. Lots of constructive work to do tomorrow - we'll be getting Michael's next school sorted out.

Doomsayers cautiously upbeat.

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